What is Robotics?

Robotics in medicine is intended for treating a large spectrum of pathological conditions, from developing simple motor patterns and cognitive training to complex activities such as walking.

Precisely in the face of modern medicine and monitoring the latest technological trends, to get each patient the opportunity for a speedy and lasting recovery, Glavić Polyclinic, as the only Reference Center for Neurorehabilitation with Robotics for Southeast Europe and the EMEA Reference Center offers its patients an individual form of treatment and rehabilitation with more than 30 of the most sophisticated robotic devices and a rich professional staff.

In our polyclinics, robotics with a combination of classical physical therapy brings excellent results in each patient's recovery. Why robotics?

For example, when only classical physical therapy is done and it is interrupted, the organism begins to let go, and the extremity returns almost to the beginning of the problem. With the help of robotics, there is no going back in neurorehabilitation due to the brain's neuroplasticity. Still, the returned functions remain so because it is not done on the periphery, on the extremity, but on the brain. And then there's no step backward.

Although robotics is relatively underrepresented and an unknown concept in treatment and rehabilitation, it records excellent results in practice, and all robotic devices are designed for targeted treatment/rehabilitation.

Hocoma Robotics Neurorehabilitation
reference Center for EMEA Region

Glavic regions

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Madrid clinic image
Un concepto único en neurorrehabilitacion robótica llega a Madrid
Primera Consulta Gratis*

* Durante la cita podrás conocer a nuestros expertos, que evaluarán tu historial para sugerir el dispositivo que mejor se adecúe a tu caso y hagas una sesión de prueba gratuita.