The level of a patient's recovery after different neurological illnesses or injuries depends on the amount of activation of the brain's neuroplasticity.
The level of a patient's recovery after different neurological illnesses or injuries depends on the amount of activation of the brain's neuroplasticity. Brain neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change, reorganize, and make new nerve cells and connections between the existing ones as a response to the damage that has been made. In that way, neurons around the damaged one take over its functions, leading the patient to a better recovery. The best way to activate neuroplasticity is with high-intensity training.
Neurorehabilitation with robotics provides efficient and motivating high-intensity and high-frequency training and encourages neuroplasticity much stronger than the classical approach to rehabilitation.
Neurorehabilitation has the most critical role in this process because encouraging the reorganization of the nervous system provides the return of functionality of the patient's body as much as possible.
With the combination of intensive training and repetition that neurorehabilitation with robotics provides, it is proved that the patient accomplishes sensational results in improving the overall health condition, for it encourages brain activity and trains the brain.
In neurorehabilitation, there is no going backward thanks to the brain neuroplasticity because the functions return permanently since the change is not made in the periphery (on the extremity) but on the brain. Therefore, there will be no steps backward.
Neurorehabilitation with robotics enables faster recovery and a faster comeback to an independent life; it contributes to the patient's motivation for progress during rehabilitation and everyday life.
Neurorehabilitation with robotics pushes the limits of possible.
Hocoma Robotics Neurorehabilitation
reference Center for EMEA Region
136 countries
approx 4 000 000 000 people
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